Staff secretly tells about at backstage!
True self of KHJ!
Delivering coal briquettes under the cool winter
Giving coal during the snow warming ones heart
2011.01.17 KeyEast SY
...January 6th~
Volunteer event started. HyunJoong said this is 'Distributing love coal briquettes'
'Hope staff who are free will be able to participate..." He stood infront to gather staff to participate in the event
HyunJoong encouraged the participants saying: "If we cannot become the role model..."!!
During the day HyunJoong wore attire that were suitable for working and arrived at the event venue.
Passing the coal briquettes one by one carefully~
![KHJ Japan Official Mobile Site: Staff Blog No.7 [2011.01.17]](
Standing in a roll repeatedly doing the same action, his manager would play with him once in a while,
throwing the coal briquettes to HyunJoong, throwing over picking over,
HyunJoong shouted: "Cannot~~, Cannot~~, these are very precious coal briquettes, it cannot be broken~~"
Looking at his looks thinking of: "HyunJoong is really very pure~",
people surrounding were laughing out
(maybe, it is because they have seen his sincere look, felt his pure heart, so laugh out just like me, this is my own guessing ^^;;)
Weather was very cold, the atmosphere at the venue was not very good,
but HyunJoong and fans were combine into one in a very warm atmosphere,
at that split moment, I thought there's no other place in the world that was as warm as here.
The more volunteer event like this,
Isn't it no problem to overcome this winter? Keke
Staff Blog of KHJ Official Mobile Site
마음이 훈훈해지는 연탄배달의 풍경
2011/1/17/ Keyeast SY
현중군의 "사랑의 연탄배달" 이라고 말한다 Volunteer Event가 행하여졌습니다.
쭉 앞에서, "시간이 있는 스탭은 참가해주었으면 싶은..." 이라고 참가자를 모으고,
모인 참가자들에게는, "우리들이 견본이 안되면..." 이라고 격려하고 있었던 현중군!!
당일은 복장등도 완전한 준비를 마쳐서 나타난 현중군.
연탄을 한개한개 소중하게 나르고 있었습니다~
같은 자세로 쭉 같은 동작을 되풀이하고 있었던 매니저들이,
현중군에게 못된 장난으로 연탄을, 던지고, 건네 하면,
"안 되다~~, 안 되다~~, 이것은 중요한 연탄입니다. 깨지면 안된다~~"
이라고 외치면서, 받으러 오는 것을 보고 있으면,
"현중군은 정말로 순수하구나~" 이라고 생각하고,
어느사이에 주변에 있었던 모두가 웃어버렸습니다.
(아마, 진지한 모습을 보고, 순수함을 느껴서 나와 같이 웃었을 것이라고, 멋대로 생각하고 있습니다^^;;)
날씨는 춥고, 현장은 환경적으로는 좋다고는 말할 수 없었습니다만,
현중군과 팬의 여러분이 따뜻한 기분이 하나가 되고,
이 순간만, 온세계의 어디보다도 따뜻한 장소가 될 수 있었다고 생각합니다.
이런 Volunteer Event가 늘어나면,
이 겨울도 어떻게든 극복할 수 있는 것이 아닙니까? ㅎㅎ
Source: KHJ Japan Official Mobile Site
English translation:
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