Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong's 3rd Story @ Official Website [06.11.10]

[3rd Story] .....................

Aigoo~~^^ Just woke up and realized that my waist feels painful, it was such a long sleep in such a long while already ……..

I finished my drama shooting finally yesterday ^^ It lasted for 4 months but, eummm, once again I feel myself feeling the much deep affection – which is to my surprise; after spending 4 months throughout, indeed it feels kinda saddening on having to leave now, mixed with both hateful feelings and anguish sorts

Since I just woke up only now, shall I go to memorize the mandarin song ???????????

To be busy is really not a hard thing for me, instead I’m happy, these days ^^ Why, because I’m able to do the things I want, to my hearts’ content …

Even until the day I leave my autograph on Mars as I shall ride on to my space shuttle at the NASA kk
At that time, I’ll also carve you guys’ name on there kk
If I can do that

…If I can’t, I’ll just leave my last will there for my kids to-come in the far-away future kk

What nonsense am I saying now after waking up huh kkkk
Anyway is everyone living positively ?????????

When I’m melancholic, I’ll appear for once, and I don’t even know if I’ll give a Christmas present or not …kk
Keep anticipating, won’t be something peculiar, just wait for a bit

I won’t be appearing on the television frequently these days already, TT
Don’t say bye just because you can’t see me

Study hard, help out around your hubby, and whatever things that you weren’t able to give your boyfriend, just go ahead to get them now kk

I’ll return soon with an awesome album, so do prepare for your million won already ……..kkkkk

I should go to play some soccer right ~~starting tomorrow onwards

Have you enjoyed ???????????? Throughout the 4 months ??????? If so then, we’ll continue to dream of our amazing future together, as we look up towards the same sky, ya

^^See you
[3번째 이야기] .....................

아고~~^^자고일어났더니 허리가아프네 오랜만의 긴잠이였어 .........
나어제부로 드라마 끝났다 ^^ 4달간이였지만 음 다시한번 정이라는것에
놀라움을 느꼈어 4달동안 같이있다보면 미운정고운정다들고 떠나는아쉬움에 아쉽더라고
이제 자고일어났으니까 중국노래좀 외워볼까나 ???????????
바쁘다진짜 힘든게아니라 행복하다 요즘에 ^^내가하고 싶은일 맘것할수있어서 ...
나사에 왕복선타고 화성에 내싸인할때까지 ㅋㅋ그때는 당신네들 이름도새겨줄께 ㅋㅋ할수만있다면
...내가못하면 유언을남겨서 먼 미래의 내 혈육에게 ㅋㅋ
일어나서 뭔헛소리냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아무튼 다들긍적적으로 살고있나 ????????
내가우울해질때 한번 나타나줄께 크리스마스 선물줄지도몰라 ...ㅋㅋ기대해 별건아니야 쪼꼼 기대해
나이제 티비많이안나와서 우짜지 ㅜㅜ 못본다구 안녕하지말고
공부하고 내조하고 남친한테 못해준것들 잘다독이면서 있어 ㅋㅋ
엄청난 앨범으로 나올꺼니까 만원 모아놓고 ......ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
난 축구나하러 다녀야지 ~~낼부터
즐거웠어 ????????4달동안 ?????? 같은 하늘을보면서 멋진미래를 함께 꿈꿔나아가 보자구


阿一股~~^ ^ 睡了一觉起来腰疼了真是很久没睡那么长时间了..............
我昨天结束电视剧的拍摄啦^ ^虽然有四个月了嗯又再一次感受到了“情”这个东西
现在睡了一觉起来要不要背背中文歌呢? ? ? ? ? ? ?
最近真的很忙但是不辛苦而是很幸福^ ^ 因为可以做我想做的事....
我要从航天局坐往返线去火星签个名keke 那时也会刻下你们的名字的keke 只要可以的话
一觉起来我在胡说八道什么呀kekekke 不管怎样大家都在积极的生活不? ? ? ? ?
Kekeke 期待一下吧不过也没啥小小期待一下吧
会有很多很多的专辑出来要攒一万块钱...... kekekekeke
从明天开始快快乐乐的? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4个月? ? ? ? ? ?
^ ^ See you

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